[NIST] Trace Elements in Coal (Bituminous)

등록일2024. 09. 04
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[NIST] Trace Elements in Coal (Bituminous)

[NIST] Product

어스바이오는 NIST 전문 취급점으로서 모든 제품을 전문적으로 취급 및 공급하고 있습니다.
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[NIST] Trace Elements in Coal (Bituminous)

Trace Elements in Coal (Bituminous)

Product Description:

A unit of RM 8499 consists of 50 g of bituminous coal that was ground to pass a 250 µm (60 mesh) sieve, homogenized, bottled under an argon atmosphere, and sealed in an aluminized bag.

Product Information:

SKU: 8499
Availability: Available for Purchase
Unit of Issue: 50 g
Product Expiration Date:
Period of Validity: The non-certified values are valid within the measurement uncertainty specified until 30 September 2027. The value assignments are nullified if the material is stored or used improperly, damaged, contaminated, or otherwise modified.

Storage Temperature:
The original unopened bottles of RM 8499 should be stored tightly sealed and away from sunlight and intense sources of radiation at room temperature (20 °C ± 5 °C). An open bottle can be reused until the material reaches its expiration date, provided that the open bottle is resealed and stored at room temperature (20 °C ± 5 °C).

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